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Table 2 Matrix of objectives for diet and physical activity changes

From: Development of interventions for an intelligent and individualized mobile health care system to promote healthy diet and physical activity: using an intervention mapping framework

Performance Objectives (PO)



Proximal performance objectives (PPOs)

PO1: Building intention to change


Risk perception

PPO1: Promoting patients to identify cardiovascular risk factors

PPO2: Increasing patients’ awareness of the adverse consequences related to these risk factors

PPO3: Increasing patients’ awareness of the severity of coronary heart disease

Outcome expectations

PPO4: Increasing patients’ perception of the benefits for adoption of healthy diet and regular physical activity

PPO5: Increasing patients’ decisiveness and supporting them in establishing an intention to adopt healthy diet and regular physical activity

PO2: Building and enhancing motivation of action taking


Action Self-efficacy

PPO6: Helping patients to uncover barriers of diet and physical activity changes

PPO7: Increasing patients’ confidence in diet and physical activity changes through role-modeling

PPO8: Increasing knowledge and skills related to healthy diet and physical activity

PPO9: Correcting patients’ misunderstanding about changing unhealthy diet and physical inactivity

PPO10: Helping patients to recognize their ability to change

PPO11: Decreasing patients’ fear of difficulty in diet and physical activity changes

PPO12: Increasing social support

Action planning

PPO13: Making a specific and individualized action plan for diet and physical activity changes with patients, and ensuring patients confirm and accept it.

PPO14: Promoting patients to implement the action plan

PO3: Building and enhancing volition of action maintaining


Maintenance Self-efficacy

PPO15: Increasing patients’ confidence in maintaining healthy diet and regular physical activity

PPO16: Increasing patients’ perception of physiological responses

PPO17: Helping patients to uncover the barriers in maintaining healthy diet and regular physical activity

PPO18: Increasing patients’ perception of positive experience from healthy diet and regular physical activity changing

PPO19: Increasing patients’ awareness of progress in healthy diet and regular physical activity

Coping planning

PPO20: Promoting patients coping with the barriers of maintaining healthy diet and regular physical activity

Behavioral enjoyment

PPO18: Increasing patients’ perception of healthy diet and regular physical activity induced positive experience

Effectiveness perception

PPO21: Increasing patients’ perceptions about the improvements in physiological indexes from diet and physical activity changes

Social support

PPO22: Increasing family-support

PPO23: Increasing peer-support

PPO24: Increasing professional-support