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Table 1 Needs assessment based on literature review

From: Development of interventions for an intelligent and individualized mobile health care system to promote healthy diet and physical activity: using an intervention mapping framework


Summary of findings

Contents of the intervention

1. Providing food and exercise suggestions that are relevant, personalized, and actionable

2. Providing knowledge that healthy lifestyle and behavior change is clear, accurate, valid, and reliable

3. Specific physical activity plans

4. Follow-up tailored messages

5. Feedback about progress and individual barriers

Presentation modes of the intervention

1. Text message is presented in a variety font

2. Attention getting pictures and/or videos

Functional features of the app

1. Communication with doctors

2. Self-risk assessment

3. Tailored education

4. Blood pressure management

5. Health status recording/monitoring activity without user’s interaction

6. Reminders

7. Being active with friends or families

8. Data sharing ability