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Table 2 Coefficient Estimates for parameters in 2–1-1 mediation model predicting CPD with education, income and race as indicators for social disadvantage

From: Daily stress as link between disadvantage and smoking: an ecological momentary assessment study

Coefficient Estimates




Fixed Effects (Measurement occasion level)

 Intercept CPD

1.99 (1.13)

2.20 (1.10)*

1.74 (1.13)

 Intercept Daily Stress (DS)

71.52 (2.56)***

76.00 (1.41)***

78.98 (1.45)***

 Social Disadvantage (D) → DS

8.42 (2.81)**

6.95 (2.10)***

−0.82 (2.18)


0.01 (0.01)**

0.01 (0.01)**

0.01 (0.01)**

 Direct Effect SD → CPD

−0.53 (0.66)

−1.39 (0.55)*

−0.35 (0.61)

 Indirect Effect

0.12 (0.04)*

0.10 (0.05)*

−0.01 (0.03)

 Total Effect

−0.42 (0.65)

−1.29 (0.54)*

−0.37 (0.61)

Random Effects (Participant level)

 Residual Variance Intercept DS

203.07 (19.18)***

202.08 (18.92)***

212.89 (19.21)***

 Residual Variance Intercept CPD

16.16 (1.97)***

15.79 (1.91)***

16.17 (1.96)***

 Covariance CPD DS

12.61 (0.81)***

12.61 (0.81)***

12.61 (0.81)***

  1. Entries are B (SD), B = coefficient estimates, SD = standard deviation, CPD = Cigarettes per day, DS = Daily stress, D = Social Disadvantage. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001