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Table 2 Reliability tests of 8 items of awareness and action toward heart attack symptoms and risk factors

From: Development of questionnaire on awareness and action towards symptoms and risk factors of heart attack and stroke among a Malaysian population


Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted

Q1-Have you ever heard about heart attack?



Q2-Do you know anyone who had heart attack before?



Q3- Have you ever received any information related to heart attack? (e.g. Heart attack-related public service announcements, promotional materials, educational leaflets or attended any seminar on heart attack)

A- Yes or NO

If yes, please specify: What the source of information you received?

0 .497


 3b-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by TV?



 3c-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by internet?



 3d-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by Books?



 3e-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by media?



 3f-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by promotional leaflets?



 3 g-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by Health care professionals?



 3 h-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by seminars?



 3i-have you ever received any information related to heart attack by others?



Q4- How do you identify the symptoms of heart attack?

If you think the following symptoms are related to the symptoms of heart attack, please answer ‘Yes’; if you do not think so, answer ‘No’; if you are unsure, answer ‘I do not know’.


 4a- Do you think sudden pain or discomfort in jaw, neck, or back?



 4b- Do you think weakness or dizziness?



 4c-Do you think sudden pain or discomfort able in the chest?



 4d-Do you think sudden disturbance of vision in one or both eyes?



 4e- Do you think sudden pain or discomfort in arms or shoulders?



 4f- Do you think sudden shortness of breath?



Q5-sudden heart attack requires a prompt treatment?



Q6-If someone shows signs and symptoms of heart attack, what do you think should do first?


 6a-Take them to hospital.



 6b- Call his/her doctors



 6c- Call an ambulance.



 6d- Call police.



 6e- Contact their family.



 6f- Other actions?



 6 g- Do not know



Q7 (If you want to call an ambulance do you know the phone number



 7a-If yes (Please specify the phone number)



Q8-Have you heard about the risk factors of heart attack?



 8a- Do you think smoking are the major factor of heart attack?



 8b- Do you think obesity are the major factors of heart attack?



 8c- Do you think diabetes are the major factors of heart attack?



 8d- Do you think exercise are the major factors of heart attack?



 8e- Do you think unhealthy diet are the major factors of heart attack?



 8f- Do you think stress are the major factors of heart attack?



 8 g- Do you think high blood pressure are the major factors of heart attack?



 8 h- Do you think alcohol is the major factors of heart attack?



 8i- Do you think genetic is the major factors of heart attack?



 8j- Do you think atrial fibrillation is the major fact of heart attack?



 8 k- Do you think high cholesterol is the major factor of heart attack?



 8 l- Do you think lack of exercise is the major factors of heart attack?



 8 m- Do you think heart disease is the major factor of heart attack?

