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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide

From: Factors affecting dental service utilisation among older Singaporeans eligible for subsidized dental care – a qualitative study

Main questions

Probing questions

1) Influence of oral health on general health

a) How the state of your mouth affects the way you feel in yourself?

b) How has the state of your mouth impacted your physical health (e.g. digestion or bowels)?

c) In what ways do you believe that the condition of your mouth has an impact on your general health?

2) Oral health in the past and now

a) When you were young, did your parents bring you to the dentist for regular check-ups or only when needed?

b) [If subject said that he/she did not see a dentist regularly in the past but see a dentist regularly now (or vice versa)]: Why so? Did anything happen to cause this change(s) in attitude(s)?

3) Past dental care experiences and perceived barriers

a) How easy was it for you to get dental treatment?

b) How often do you see your dentist now? Do you go for regular check-ups or only when you have problems with your teeth?

c) To what extent do the costs of dental treatment influence you going to the dentists?

d) Have you ever had a particularly bad experience with a dentist? What happened? Did it put you off from going to a dentist?

4) Access to dental care subsidies and their utilization

a) Are you aware of the possibility of dental care through CHAS or PG card?

b) How easy is it for you to get dental treatment using a CHAS or PG card?

c) How far is the dental practice from your home/work? How do you usually travel to the dental practice when you go to see your dentist? Does the distance you have to travel influence your decision?