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Table 2 Quasi Experimental Studies Demonstrating Decreased Antibiotic Prescription Rates in Response to Patient- or Public- Centered Educational Interventions Compared to Control

From: Communication interventions to promote the public’s awareness of antibiotics: a systematic review

Location of Intervention (years observed)


Patient Education

Provider Education

Outcome Measure

Prescription Rate Change


(Full) Intervention

Intervention Effect

P value (intervention effect compared to control)

Denver-Boulder Colorado (1996–1998) [32]

MCO practices

Household mailings and office-based educational materials regarding self care, when to expect antibiotics, and harmful effects of antibiotics

Education and meetings about management of acute bronchitis and how to say “no” to patients, site-specific prescribing rates

Antibiotics for Adults with Acute Bronchitis

−5% (P = 0.68)

−26% (P = 0.003)

Not reported


Denver, Colorado (2000–2001) [29]

MCO Practices

Household and office-based educational materials including CDC materials regarding resistance and facts about treatments for respiratory infections

Prescribing profiles and practice guidelines

Antibiotics for Adults with Acute Bronchitis

− 10% (local control), − 6% (distant control)


Not reported

0.006 (local control)

< 0.002 (distant control)

Denver, Colorado (2002–2003) [30]


Media campaign with out-of-home advertising, office-based materials

Physician advocacy activities were mailed: postcards soliciting support, office materials, stethoscope clips

Antibiotic dispenses/1000 MCO members

Values not noted

−8.8% (P = 0.03)

Not reported

Not reported

Rural Alaska (1998–1999) [36]

Rural Communities

Villiage meetings, community fairs, high school classrooms, and news letters about respiratory infections and antibiotic resistance

Workshops for community health aids and physicians to review principles of appropriate use

Antibiotic Courses/person

−9.5% (P < 0.05)

−31% (P < 0.01)

Not reported

Not reported

Sacramento, California (1998–1999) [37]

MCO (clinic, urgent care)

Office-based materials and newsletter regarding indications for antibiotics, bacterial resistance, how to prevent infection, and how to take antibiotics

Clinical pharmacists presented CDC Judicious Use principles to physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. Provider-specific antibiotic prescribing profiles and cold kits were included.

Antibiotics for Acute Bronchitis


−20% (P = 0.001)

Not reported

Not reported

Knox County, Tennessee (1997–1998) [43]


Printed materials and public media regarding indications for antibiotics

Lectures by a CDC physician and other presentations, prescribing guidelines, newsletters

Children < 15 years old (antibiotics/person-year)



− 11% (95%CI[− 8,-14%])

< 0.001

Utah (2001) [44]

Rural Community

Office-based informational brochures, media campaign about antibiotic resistance

Small group sessions overviewing antibiotic resistance and appropriate antibiotic use, algorithms

Upper respiratory tract infections treated with an antibiotic

−1.5% (P = 0.047)

− 15.6% (P = 0.002)

Not reported


Price, Rusk, Lincoln Counties, Wisconsin (1997) [24]


CDC pamphlets and posters distributed to clinics, pharmacies, child care facilities, schools

Grand rounds and small-group meetings regarding judicious use for pediatric respiratory infections, practice guidelines, CDC fact sheets

Solid antibiotic prescriptions/clinician

−8% (P = 0.934)

− 19% (P < 0.001)

− 11%


Liquid antibiotic prescriptions/clinician

12% (P = 0.064)

−11% (P = 0.064)

