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Fig. 2 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 2

From: Comparison of two statistical indicators in communicating epidemiological results to the population: a randomized study in a high environmental risk area of Italy

Fig. 2

Mean rank differences between % excess and TNH, by mathematical skills and education level. Differences in ranking sexual gland cancer (SG), thyroid cancer (T) and lung cancer (L) mortalities according to the degree of concern (from 1: high concern, to 3: low concern), when comparing TNH and % excess, are expressed in terms of mean rank differences, with 95% Confidence Intervals. The analyses, based on the IPTW approach, were performed by mathematical skills (Low mathematical skills: No right answer at questions evaluating numerical skills; High mathematical skills: At least one right answer at question evaluating numerical skills) and education level (Intermediate school diploma or lower; High school diploma or higher)

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