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Table 1 Variables Definitions

From: Do four or more antenatal care visits increase skilled birth attendant use and institutional delivery in Bangladesh? A propensity-score matched analysis

Age (years)


Birth Order



0. Non-Muslims

1. Muslims

Maternal/Husband’s Formal Education

0. No formal education

1. Primary Education

2. Secondary or Higher Education

Maternal Literacy

0. Could not read sentence or could only read part of a sentence

1. Can read whole sentence

Wanted Pregnancy

0. Wanted their pregnancy no more

1. Wanted their pregnancy then or later

Media Exposure

0. Does not watch television, read newspaper, or listen to radio at least once a week

1. Exposed to one media (tv, newspaper, or radio) outlet at least once a week

2. Exposed to two or three media (tv, newspaper, or radio) outlets at least once a week


0. No ‘say’ in making large household purchases, visiting family, and decisions regarding her own healthcare

1. Has say in one indicator

2. Has say in two indicators

3. Has say in three indicators


0. Rural

1. Urban

Household Wealth Index

1. Poor & Poorest

2. Intermediate

3. Rich & Richest

Lost Pregnancy prior to most recent pregnancy

0. No

1. Yes

Skilled Antenatal Care Provider

0. No

1. Yes

  1. Note: All variables, apart from age and birth order, were left categorical when generating the propensity score. Missing values were negligible. Husband’s education had two missing values and maternal literacy had only one missing value