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Table 5 Information, advice or support received about lifestyle behaviours (n = 425)

From: Smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity following stoma formation surgery, stoma-related concerns, and desire for lifestyle advice: a United Kingdom survey


PA n (%)

Diet n (%)

Alcohol n (%)

Smoking n (%)a

After your original stoma surgery, were you ever given any information, advice or support about the following:


219 (51.5)

283 (66.6)

105 (24.7)

81 (19.2)

 No and I would not have wanted any information or advice

14 (3.3)

12 (2.8)

156 (36.7)

246 (58.3)

 No and I would have liked to have received some information and advice

177 (41.6)

127 (29.9)

135 (31.8)

49 (11.6)

 Don’t know

15 (3.5)

3 (0.7)

29 (6.8)

46 (10.9)




If yes, was the advice and support useful?


202 (92.2)

233 (82.3)

97 (92.4)

63 (77.8)


11 (5.0)

41 (14.5)

6 (5.7)

15 (18.5)

 Don’t know

6 (2.7)

9 (3.2)

2 (1.9)

3 (3.7)

  1. a Percentages calculated excluding the missing responses