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Table 1 Overview of evaluation measurements

From: Evaluation of the promising neighbourhoods community program to reduce health inequalities in youth: a protocol of a mixed-methods study

Logic model



Study population/data

Time point


Process-implementation evaluation




knowledge and expertise among community stakeholders in the neighbourhood, support from sponsors, willingness to collaborate in a CCP approach, use of interventionsa, collaboration & coordination in the neighbourhood, financial and municipal resources

online-questionnaire, focus groups, registration data

community stakeholders, youngsters, municipality of Rotterdam




existing problems in the neighbourhood, effectiveness of community coalitions, decision-making process, existing interventions in the neighbourhood, interventionsa proposed by community stakeholders, quality of interventionsa, quality of the intervention-package of the CCP approach

online-questionnaire, focus groups, registration data

community stakeholders, youngsters, municipality of Rotterdam




actual implemented interventionsa, quality of and collaboration of coalitions among community stakeholders, organizations, increase in assets, costs, type, quality, frequency, intensity, reach of interventions1, characteristics of the reached groups, use of effective programs, monitoring of implementation and effects

registration data, questionnaire

municipality of Rotterdam, key-leaders



Effect evaluation

 Intermediate outcomes

indicators of: family environment (parenting, child-parent relationship, family life, family conflict), healthy exercise and nutrition behaviours, smoking and substance use, social cohesion, use of facilities and care, bullying

Health survey (baseline/ similar questionnaire follow-up), You and Your Health (third grade) or SDQ (first grade)

children aged 0 ≤ 11 years old, youngsters aged 12 ≤ 18 years old



 Ultimate outcomes

indicators of: health (socio-emotional and/or psychological problems, general (physical) health, overweight), safety: (home environment, neighbourhood), and talent development: (school performance, truancy)

Health survey (baseline/ similar questionnaire follow-up), You and Your Health (third grade) or SDQ (first grade), routinely collected data

children aged 0 ≤ 11 years old, youngsters aged 12 ≤ 18 years old, municipality of Rotterdam




age, sex, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status indicators: (educational level of the parents when children are at age 0 ≤ 11, educational level of the youngster 12 ≤ 18)

Health survey (baseline/ similar questionnaire follow-up), You and Your Health (third grade) or SDQ (first grade), routinely collected data

children aged 0 ≤ 11 years old, youngsters aged 12 ≤ 18 years old, municipality of Rotterdam



  1. Overview of indicators, measures, instruments, study population, source of data and measurement moments in the study following the stages of the logic model. Abbreviations: CCP Collaborative community program, SDQ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.a Also includes measures, facilities and activities