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Table 2 The COMPASSa battery of assessments

From: Study protocol: associations between dietary patterns, cognitive function and metabolic syndrome in older adults – a cross-sectional study

Cognitive Domain




Measurement of subjective feelings

Bond and Lader Mood Scales

Attention and vigilance

Attention - ability to concentrate on selected aspects of the environment while ignoring other stimuli

Simple reaction time

Choice reaction time

Digit vigilance task

Vigilance - ability to maintain attention and alertness over time

Executive function

Co-ordination of cognitive responses – sub-serves planning, initiating and inhibiting actions, cognitive flexibility, abstract thinking and rule acquisition

Stroop test

Episodic memory

Ability to retain memories that can be consciously recorded e.g. facts, items, events, faces

Immediate and delayed word recall

Delayed word recognition

Delayed picture recognition

Working memory

Ability to hold information in mind while carrying out more complex cognitive processes

Corsi blocks

Location learning

Assesses visuo-spatial memory

Computerised location learning

Computerised location recall

  1. aComputerised Mental Performance Assessment System (COMPASS-Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)