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Table 2 Follow-up clinic visits among those who linked to hypertension care after population level screening (N = 2038)

From: Hypertension control in integrated HIV and chronic disease clinics in Uganda in the SEARCH study


HIV+ (n = 89)

HIV-(n = 1949)

Overall (N = 2038)

Total number of follow-up visits




Median duration of follow-up (days) (IQR)

583 (84, 1122)

742 (48, 1198)

738 (50, 1195)

Interval in days between scheduled visits [Median (IQR)]

59 (29, 84)

56 (29, 84)

56 (29, 84)

Interval in days between actual visits [Median (IQR)]

65 (42, 90)

63 (35, 91)

63 (35, 91)

Interval between scheduled visits

 More frequent than clinical indication

141 (24%)

3056 (20%)

3197 (20%)

 Less frequent than clinical indication

216 (37%)

6013 (39%)

6229 (39%)

Late visitsa [%, median (IQR)]

150 (24%)

2825 (18%)

2975 (18%)

Follow-up visits with controlled blood pressure

301 (48%)

7173 (46%)

7474 (46%)

Follow-up visits with controlled blood pressure on 2 consecutive visits

182 (34%)

4160 (29%)

4342 (29%)

Visits with no blood pressure measurement

33 (3.5%)

609 (3.5%)

641 (3.5%)

  1. alate visit defined as > 14 days after scheduled visit