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Table 2 Difficult daily situations for mothers in encouraging healthy energy balance–related behavior in their school-aged child

From: Everyday life situations in which mothers experience difficulty stimulating healthy energy balance–related behavior in their school-age children: a focus group study

Setting and/or activity

Difficult everyday life situation

Mothers find it difficult when/that their…

Having dinner

 (1) Just before dinner

Children complain about the kinds of foods the parents are cooking

Children do not want to sit at the table when told

 (2) At the dinner table

Children do not want to eat their vegetables

Children’s preferences for vegetables change over time

Children eat extremely slowly

Children do not eat enough

Having breakfast

 (3) Just before breakfast

Children have trouble getting out of bed

Children do not want to sit at the table when told

 (4) At the breakfast table

Children do not eat well in the morning

Children eat slowly when there is not enough time

Eating candy and snacks

 (5) At home

Children constantly want to eat candy/snacks

Children eat candy/snacks when the parents are not around

 (6) At school

Children are given unhealthy treats

 (7) Elsewhere

Children buy candy and snacks themselves

Children are given candy and snacks by their friends

Children are given candy and snacks by their grandparents or other family members

Eating fruit

 (8) At school

Children do not always eat their fruit or do not eat any fruit at all

Children want the same unhealthy snacks as their classmates, rather than fruit

Physical activity


 (9) Playing sports

Children do not want to participate in sports and are physically lazy

Children are not able to choose a sport

 (10) Playing outside

Children do not feel like playing outside

Children play outside by themselves

Sedentary behavior

 (11) Computer use at home

Children spend an excessive amount of time at the computer

Children do not want to turn off their computer game when they are told to do so

 (12) Computer use elsewhere

Children spend an excessive amount of time playing on a computer at their friend’s house

 (13) Watching television at home

Children spend an excessive amount of time watching television

 (14) Watching television elsewhere

Children watch an excessive amount of television at their friend’s house