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Table 4 Number of Twitter users (percentage of all users, n = 4,925,730) in four categories defined according to the following and retweeting characteristics of the users who tweeted about Ebola from March 23, 2014 to May 31, 2015

From: How did Ebola information spread on twitter: broadcasting or viral spreading?


One’s tweets being retweeted ≤ Retweeting others’ tweets

One’s tweets being retweeted > Retweeting others’ tweets

Followees ≤



1,864,885 (38%)

Influential Users

88,286 (2%)

Followees >


Common Users

2,952,331 (60%)

Hidden Influential Users

20,228 (< 1%)

  1. Note: “Followees” refers to the number of Twitter accounts that a Twitter user followed. “Followers” refers to the number of Twitter users who followed a Twitter user’s account. “One’s tweets being retweeted” refers to the number of times a Twitter user’s tweet was retweeted by others. “Retweeting others’ tweets” refers to the number of times a Twitter user retweeted another users’ tweets