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Table 1 Racism questions in the NZHS 2016/17 questionnaire [19]

From: The impact of racism on the future health of adults: protocol for a prospective cohort study

Item #

Racism question:

Response options

1, 2

Have you ever been a victim of an ethnically motivated attack (verbal or physical abuse to you or your property) in New Zealand?

Yes, within the past 12 months

Yes, more than 12 months ago


Don’t know


(n.b. items 1 and 2 are asked in a single question, but responses are recorded separately. Items 3–5 also have a ‘not applicable’ option)

Respondents can record both recent (past 12 months) and historical exposure (more than 12 months ago)


Have you ever been treated unfairly (for example, kept waiting or treated differently) by a health professional (that is, a doctor, nurse, dentist etc) because of your ethnicity in New Zealand?


Have you ever been treated unfairly at work or been refused a job because of your ethnicity in New Zealand?


Have you ever been treated unfairly when renting or buying housing because of your ethnicity in New Zealand?