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Table 2 WHO Europe strategy and action plan for refugee and migrant health: strategic areas

From: Migrant health research in the Republic of Ireland: a scoping review

1. Establishing a framework for collaborative action

The aim is to promote and strengthen collaborative action on migrant health issues among international, national and local organisations and institutions.

2. Advocating for the right to health of refugees

The aim is to contribute with factual and precise information to reduce discrimination and stigmatisation, and to eliminate barriers to health care for refugees and migrants.

3. Addressing the social determinants of health

The aim is to build upon an adequate policy dialogue on the health of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants across all the involved government states and public.

4. Achieving public health preparedness and ensuring an effective response

The aim is to incorporate the health needs of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the outlining and advancement of public health services and policies based on Health 2020.

5. Strengthening health systems and their resilience

The aim is to focus on the capacity to attain an accord on the healthcare system competences required to respond to the health needs of refugees and migrants.

6. Preventing communicable diseases

The aim is to provide the necessary capability to focus on communicable diseases in transit and destination countries.

7. Preventing and reducing the risks posed by non-communicable diseases

The aim is to establish that the needs of refugees and migrants form part of the national strategy for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.

8. Ensuring ethical and effective health screening and assessment

The aim is to ensure that screening is risk-specific and evidence-based and to provide the real interests of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and the host population.

9. Improving health information and communication

The aim is to provide the adequacy, standardisation and comparability of records on the health of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, to facilitate access to health information.

  1. Source: Modified from WHO, Strategy and Action Plan for refugee and migrant health in the WHO European Region. 2016