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Table 2 Summary of the TWM-E components

From: Integrating physical activity into the primary school curriculum: rationale and study protocol for the “Thinking while Moving in English” cluster randomized controlled trial


Intervention Component



Implementation evaluation


1) Professional learning workshop

1 × 5 h

1) Course rationale

2) Evidence for TWM-E

3) Becoming a TWM-E advocate

4) Implementing TWM-E at school

5) Reporting on TWM-E in schools

• Teacher post-workshop evaluation questionnaire

• Post-program implementation questionnaire (Teacher evaluation of the TWM-E pedagogy)

2) Session observations


The research team will conduct three observations of the TWM-E lessons in weeks 2, 4, and 6 using the evaluation Checklist.

• Evaluations Checklist (Fidelity check) conducted by the research team

• Teacher interview questions

3) Support from the research team


The research team will be available for the teachers throughout the duration of the presentation. Weekly emails including advice and strategies will be sent during Weeks 1, 3, and 5 of the intervention.

• Post-program implementation questionnaire (Teacher evaluation of the TWM-E pedagogy)


4) Dissemination to school staff

1 × 45 min

Teachers will present the TWM-E (e.g., objective and program details) pedagogy during their staff meetings.

• School principals will sign off teachers after the completion of their presentation in MyPL (teachers will receive the full NESA accreditation)

5) Equipment


Schools will be provided with a TWM-E equipment pack selected by the participating teachers to assist in the delivery of the program (e.g., chalk, buckets, whiteboards, drill ladders, basketballs, skipping ropes, lettered beanbags, and lettered flexi domes - value $AU400).

• Post-program implementation questionnaire (Teacher evaluation of the TWM-E pedagogy)


6) TWM-E lessons

3 / week

TWM-E lessons will be run during curricular English time by the regular school teachers. The TWM-E lessons will last for 40 min.

• Student intervention evaluation

• Student interview questions