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Table 3 Reflection of aspects of program logic in SA HiAP action on the social determinants of health (2007–2016)

From: To what extent can the activities of the South Australian Health in All Policies initiative be linked to population health outcomes using a program theory-based evaluation?

Focus of action or intent



Program theory: Immediate & Intermediate Outcomes

Health and equity outcome contribution and likelihood

Utilisation of governance systems to support social determinants of health and equity

South Australia’s Strategic Plan (SASP) provided medium to long term goals for SA in identified priority areas

SASP provided strong authorising environment for HiAP

Whole population of SA

A clear plan for improving the population’s health and wellbeing

If government focus on achieving SASP targets maintained, likely to contribute to positive health and equity outcomes

HiAP initial activity focused on working with different agencies on health impacts of relevant SASP targets, many becoming focus of HLA work

Departmental Chief Executives held accountable for aspects of the plan, encouraging them to collaborate with HiAP

Assessment of extent to which SDH are presented in SA’s 7 Strategic Priorities for SA’s future

HLA of SA’s 7 Strategic Priorities

Reach varies depending on priority, but overall, whole of population

Shorter term focus than that of SASP on strategic areas of significant government attention

Enhanced whole of government responses to SDH

Legislative support for action on SDH through new Public Health Act

HiAP reflected as a principle in the new legislation, and systematised in local government-led regional public health planning and establishment of Public Health Partner Authority (PHPA) agreements with interested government departments and other organisations

Potentially whole of public sector and non-government organisations

The PHPA provide basis for on-going action on SDH by gaining commitment from organisations to undertake such action

Strong basis for improving health in the long term

Develop a statement to describe SA as a State of Wellbeing 2016

90 Day project – State of Wellbeing statement. Statement cites HiAP principles as underpinning statement and notes that wellbeing is most evident in equitable jurisdictions

Whole of population

Establishes aspiration for SA to be State of Wellbeing and positions equity as important to high wellbeing, which will encourage action across the state to advance wellbeing and equity

The aspiration for wellbeing and as part of this equity to be a goal of state policy could, if enacted, result in improved health and equity

Development of relational systems to support action on social determinants of health

Changing culture of the SA public service to work collaboratively across sectors on social determinants of health

Changing culture of public sector to understand role of social determinants and importance of cross-sector work

Whole of public service

Improved joined-up policy responses to complex multi-sectoral issues

In long term public sector action more likely to work across silos and promote health (equity did not feature strongly)

Ideas about SDH have been dispersed across the public sector and are encouraging more focus on the broader implications of different agencies’ business (including the health implications) in some sectors

90 day project on Joined-Up policy delivery (2016)

Many departments have nominated policy champions to work on joined up policy through a policy network

Joint problem identification and decision making between HiAP and other sectors

Improving early literacy in children through increased parental engagement

HLA on Parental Engagement in Literacy

Initially 4 selected schools, then contributed to strategy for entire Education Dept.

Improved literacy has been shown to have a positive impact on health

If children more literate then they will have improved health when they are adults [27, 45]

Identifying strategies to improve the health, sustainability and economic positioning of communities in Upper Spencer Gulf

HLA on Healthy Sustainable Regional Development: Upper Spencer Gulf

Regional community of 53,000 people

Including information about health and wellbeing in a regional plan will contribute to increased awareness in region and lead to improved policies

Slight evidence of impact on region and likely to be very minor

Modest output of report and social health atlas and evidence of increased awareness from public servants

Improve the health and wellbeing of international students

HLA on international student health and wellbeing

International students in SA (more than 20,000 attracted to higher education institutions each year, however focus of HLA was on a sub-set of these, in Vocational Education and Training sector)

Increasing students’ knowledge of Australian health system will enable them to gain care and stay healthy, but evidence on effectiveness of provision of information alone is not strong so unlikely to have big impact without more structural change [46]. For example, focus of information in fact sheets on general health and wellbeing is on individual behaviours such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, healthy diet etc.

Very minor

The early stages of HLA suggested more wide-ranging outcomes whereas student fact sheets (reprinted and used interstate) focused mainly on behaviours, health insurance and available services

Support vulnerable young people to successfully transition from education to further training and employment

HLA on Learning or Earning


No impact

N/A – did not progress

Did not progress because health reorganisation slowed progress to extent that higher education dept. withdrew involvement

Increasing the proportion of the population in healthy weight range

HLA on Healthy Weight which examined the potential contribution of every government dept. to encouraging healthy weight

Whole of population

Increase in healthy weight of population

Improved population health outcomes [47, 48]

Increasing Aboriginal life expectancy by improving road safety through increasing safe mobility options

HLA on Aboriginal Road Safety

Aboriginal people in SA

Increased number of Aboriginal people in urban, rural and remote SA who obtain and retain drivers’ licences

Reduce number of Aboriginal people killed in motor vehicle accidents

HLA work informed 90 Day Project to frame Aboriginal drivers’ licensing as part of Public Sector Renewal Program, focused specifically on remote area with exclusively Aboriginal population

Reduce number of Aboriginal people incarcerated for traffic offences

Increase mobility, improved road safety and ultimately improved health and wellbeing [49, 50]

Making Adelaide a less carbon-dependent city and increasing healthy transport options

3 HLAs on:

Detailed plans relevant to metropolitan region, and the active transport and cycling strategies relevant to whole Adelaide metropolitan area

Denser cities are more carbon efficient and so healthier

Health benefits likely over the long term from less carbon, more sustainable city and transport, and more active population [51, 52]

Transit orientated developments

Active transport reduces carbon and increases human activity, and encourages social interaction which is also good for health

Active transport


Increase the proportion of the community who visit parks, and increase the regularity of park visits

Environment sector’s action under PHPA agreement on ‘Healthy Parks Healthy People’ with Health has led to strong focus on mental health and wellbeing impacts. Includes increasing green infrastructure in city.

Whole of population and state, including special focus on Aboriginal people

More people across all population groups use parks more often for a variety of activities

If promotion of use of parks progresses as planned is likely to lead to improved mental and physical health outcomes as people get the benefits of exercise, social interaction and being in nature [33, 34]

Encouraging action on the social determinants of health in local government

Local government Regional Public Health Plans mandated by SA Public Health Act 2011

Whole of state

Immediate outcome is that all local governments in SA have had to produce public health plans and so focus on how they will contribute to health in the future. This may lead to improved infrastructure for health throughout the state

Local government reports that the process was useful and their plans will be more extensive in subsequent iterations

If the planning processes are effective and then implemented, health and wellbeing will be improved

Detailed analysis of plans indicates a fit between them and HiAP principles articulated in 2007

Extent of new action limited in first round but promising

  1. Abbreviations: dept. department, HiAP Health in All Policies, HLA Health Lens Analysis, PHPA Public Health Partner Authority, SA South Australia, SASP South Australia’s Strategic Plan, SDH social determinants of health