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Table 4 Description of HIV testing choices made for those in the intervention group who tested a

From: Announcing the availability of oral HIV self-test kits via text message to increase HIV testing among hard-to-reach truckers in Kenya: a randomized controlled trial


Study Sample

Total testers in the intervention group

31 (100.0%)

Chose a self-test


20 (64.5%)


11 (35.5%)

Self-testing method chosen among those who self-tested

 In the clinic with counselor supervision

14 (70.0%)

 Took test kit for home use

5 (25.0%)

 Took test kit for home use but returned to the clinic to use it with supervision

1 (5.0%)

Contacted clinic during or after self-testing at home

 Called while testing with questions

2 (33.3%)b

 Called after testing for posttest counseling

1 (16.7%)

 Called both during and after testing

2 (33.3%)

 Did not call

1 (16.7%)

Number of contact attempts made by counselor to reach the client who took self-test kit but did not call


  1. aIncludes the 5 clients who were listed as self-testers in the administrative records but not in the EHRS
  2. bIncludes the one client who decided to return to the clinic to self-test after initially taking the test-kit for home use