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Table 6 Childcare representatives’ responses about policies surrounding the amount of physical activity time at childcare centers across Canada

From: Physical activity and screen-viewing policies in Canadian childcare centers

British Columbia

Licensing requires this - at least 2 h a day

Guaranteed an hour of outside play time (minimum)

All children will participate in 2–6 h of outdoor play and physical activity daily.


[A]t least 6 gross motor activities per week per educator

[D]aily activity outdoors up to 2 h[ours] each day

[C]hildren will engage in physical activity for a minimum of 30 min every day


We follow the healthy start program which recommends 180 min or more of moving activity per day.

One hour at least to run freely. Two to three guided physical activities per day

[A]t least 30 min a day


We are outside in the playground at least once a day.

1–4 h per day of outside play

Average active play is 3 h per day. We use school gym only when absolutely necessary.


Our policy does not state physical activity - it does state time outside [time] - a minimum of 2 h per day

As per the CCEYA [Child Care Early Years Act], children are expected to play outdoors for a minimum of two hours per day.

180 min[utes] daily of physical activity including structured and unstructured.


2 h outdoor daily structured and unstructured

3 h per day on average

Children 18 months - 4 years of age should be active 180 min throughout the day.

Nova Scotia

We spend more than 50% of the day outside…

[M]inimum 30 min each morning and afternoon

At least 1.5 h per day

New Brunswick

We are strongly encouraged to encourage physical activity outside for at least 2 h a day.

We follow the New Brunswick Operators Standards set forth by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development which mandates a minimum of two hours daily of outside play.

[M]inimum of 3 h daily

Prince Edward Island

Approx[imately]1.5 h in the [AM] then 1.5 in the afternoon.

The amount of physical play happens at least 1 h in the morning (outside) and at least 1–2 h in the afternoon (outside or in the gym)

The children & staff are out at least 3–4 times daily for back yard play…

Newfoundland & Labrador

On average 3 h of outdoor play per day.


We require our children to get at least 1–2 h of physical activity daily, half will be structured and half unstructured.

Northwest Territories

20 min to 30 min of unstructured/structured outdoor/indoor.

[T]he daily program plan is to include gross motor activity daily.

Children receive at least 60 min per day of physical activity


[H]alf hour free play

  1. Note: These responses were collected from the open-ended questions corresponding with the bolded questions in Table 4. Some provinces/territories had fewer responses, and therefore, fewer quotes were available