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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the ELSA project participants’ in relation to 10-year all-cause mortality status (n = 10,906)

From: Social determinants, health status and 10-year mortality among 10,906 older adults from the English longitudinal study of aging: the ATHLOS project


10-year all-cause mortality





Age at baseline

Years, mean ±SDa

61 ± 10

75 ± 10

< 0.001


Women, n (%)

4647 (81%)

1094 (19%)

< 0.001

Men, n (%)

3635 (75%)

1191 (25%)


Education qualification

Low, n (%)

3726 (45%)

1595 (70%)

< 0.001

Moderate, n (%)

2303 (28%)

323 (14%)


High, n (%)

2249 (27%)

363 (16%)


Household wealth

Low, n (%)

2658 (35%)

1213 (54%)

< 0.001

Moderate, n (%)

1543 (21%)

403 (18%)


High, n (%)

3341 (44%)

630 (28%)


Smoking habits

Never smoker, n (%)

3144 (38%)

616 (27%)

< 0.001

Former smoker, n (%)

3661 (44%)

1213 (53%)


Current smoker, n (%)

1477 (18%)

455 (20%)


Physical activity

Inactive, n (%)

412 (5%)

476 (21%)

< 0.001

Moderate, n (%)

793 (10%)

332 (14%)


Vigorous, n (%)

7077 (85%)

1476 (65%)


Alcohol consumption

Never, n (%)

780 (9%)

447 (20%)

< 0.001

Twice a week or less, n (%)

5110 (62%)

1234 (54%)


More than twice a week, n (%)

2389 (29%)

603 (26%)


Health metric scoreb (0–100)

Wave 1 (2002), mean ± SD

70 ± 11

60 ± 16

< 0.001

Wave 2 (2004), mean ± SD

70 ± 11

60 ± 16

< 0.001

Wave 3 (2006), mean ± SD

68 ± 12

55 ± 17

< 0.001

Wave 4 (2008), mean ± SD

65 ± 12

51 ± 16

< 0.001

Wave 5 (2010), mean ± SD

68 ± 13

45 ± 19

< 0.001

Wave 6 (2012), mean ± SD

65 ± 14

40 ± 38


  1. aSD standard deviation, bHigher values in the health metric score that evaluates functionality are indicative of better health status