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Table 2 Characteristics of questionnaire respondents

From: Acceptability of screening for mental health difficulties in primary schools: a survey of UK parents

Age Mean (SD) (N = 242)

37.5 (7.4)

Gender N (%) (N = 249)


200 (80.3)


47 (18.9)


1 (0.4)

 Prefer not to say

1 (0.4)

Ethnicity N (%) (N = 253)

 White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British

233 (92.1)

 White - Any other White background

8 (3.2)

 Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups -White and Asian

1 (0.4)

 Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background

1 (0.4)

 Asian/Asian British - Indian

1 (0.4)

 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African

4 (1.6)

 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean

1 (0.4)

 Prefer not to say

1 (0.4)

Parents with children in each school year N (%)a


43 (16.5)

 Year 1

39 (15)

 Year 2

53 (20.4)

 Year 3

45 (17.3)

 Year 4

38 (14.6)

 Year 5

49 (18.9)

 Year 6

71 (27.3)

Responses per school N (% total responses)b


119 (45.8)


21 (8.1)


88 (33.9)


32 (12.3)

  1. aN > 260 because some parents have more than one child enrolled
  2. bSchools are identified by letter to maintain confidentiality