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Table 1 Example WDST questions

From: Process evaluation of a pilot multi-component physical activity intervention – active schools: Skelmersdale

YPAPM Factor

Intervention Component

Questions and Prompts

Predisposing – “Am I able” – Perceived competence/self-efficacy.

Active Breaks

Were the classroom based exercises hard or easy to complete?

What was it about the exercises which made them easy/hard?

Do you feel different doing the classroom based activities now compared to when you first started them?

Can you think of how your body feels different?

Predisposing – “Is it worth it” – Enjoyment.

Born To Move videos

Was it enjoyable to take part in the videos?

What did you enjoy about the videos?

Was there anything you didn’t like about them?

Reinforcing – Teacher Influence

Daily Mile/100 Mile Club

What did your teacher do during the mile run?

What is like to run the mile with your teacher taking part?