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Table 1 Baseline participant socio-demographic characteristics across the province. Values are n (%) or mean (SD)

From: Implementation of a co-designed physical activity program for older adults: positive impact when delivered at scale


Total n = 56 programs n = 26 centres

Participants, n (men/women)

458 (105/353)

 % (men)


Age category, n (%)

 60–74 years

323 (71)

 ≥ 75 years

135 (29)

BMI, kg/m2


28.9 (4.5)


29.5 (7.2)

Ethnicity, n (%)


394 (86)


35 (8)


29 (6)

Educational attainment, n (%)

 Secondary or less

113 (25)

 Some trade, technical school or college

151 (33)

 Some university

194 (42)

Chronic Conditions, n (%)


61 (13)


185 (40)

 ≥ 2

212 (46)

Mobility limitations (walk or stair), n (%)


196 (43)


262 (57)

Comprehensive cohort participants, n (%)


209 (46)


249 (54)

Self-rated health, n (%) a

 Very poor, poor or fair for age

206 (45)

 Good or excellent for age

248 (55)

Self-efficacy for increasing PA, n (%) a

 Not at all, slightly or moderately confident

206 (45)

 Quite or very confident

248 (54)

Self-efficacy for rec centre access, n (%) b

 Not at all, slightly or moderately confident

127 (34)

 Quite or very confident

247 (66)

  1. Note: Percentage values may not add exactly to 100 due to rounding
  2. atotal n = 454 (4 missing values)
  3. btotal n = 374 (84 missing values)