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Table 1 Studies included in the review that report on trends in HIV testing

From: HIV testing within general practices in Europe: a mixed-methods systematic review

Author, year


Study design

Study population

Main findings

Donker, 2013 [29]


Retrospective cohort study within the Dutch sentinel general practice network, 1988–2009

56 GPsa in 42 general practices

Increase from 53% of patients consulting for HIV and being tested in 1988 to 88% in 2009.

Evans, 2009 [28]


Retrospective cohort study of all general practices contributing data to the UK General Practice Research Database, 1995–2005

13.8 million person years of observation for males and 13.9 million person years for females

11-fold increase in male testing and 19-fold increase in non-pregnant female testing between 1995 and 2005.

HIV testing rates in 2005: 71.3 and 61.2 tests per 100,000 person years for males and females respectively.

Sadler, 2010 [30]


Cross-sectional study using laboratory data from primary care settings in Brent and Avon, 2003–2006

207 general practices

Mean yearly HIV testing rate: 0.6 per 1000 patients aged 15–44 years in Brent and 10.3 in Avon.

GPs in practices that tested for HIV were younger: mean age 50.1 years versus 54.5 years.

  1. aGPs general practitioners