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Table 2 Public opinion regarding CRC screening and public perceptions of cancer, preventive health screening, own health, and the government (descriptive statistics)

From: Why are the public so positive about colorectal cancer screening?


M (SD)1,a

N (%)

Public opinion regarding CRC screening programme

 Level of support for CRC screening programme

4.12 (.69)


 Attitude to CRC screening programme

  • Personal attitude

4.06 (.76)


  • Collective attitude

4.07 (.60)


Public perception of cancer

 Beliefs concerning cancer severity

4.56 (.52)


 Cancer risk perception

3.15 (.52)


 Cancer worry/anxiety

2.86 (.76)


Public perception of preventive health screening

 Attitude to preventive health screening

3.89 (.81)


 Beliefs concerning effectiveness of preventive health screening

3.56 (.84)


Public perception of own health

 Beliefs concerning importance of own health

4.34 (.60)


 Beliefs concerning own health status

3.14 (.85)


Public perception of the government

 Trust in government regarding protection and promotion of people’s health

6.24 (1.78)


Trust in government regarding national screening programmes

3.34 (.69)


Beliefs concerning responsibility of government

  • Government has responsibility concerning people’s health (yes)


1321 (79)

  1. 1N = 1679
  2. aScores range from 1 (low/negative) to 5 (high/positive), except for the variable ‘trust in government regarding protection and promotion of people’s health’, where scores range from 1 (none) to 10 (a lot)