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Table 1 Scale items for variables and scales

From: Validation of the Schieman and Young measurement scales for work contact, work-family conflict, working conditions, psychological distress and sleep problems in construction industry professionals


Response options

1. Demographic variables


Male = 1; Female = 2

 Relationship status

Divorced, separated, widowed or never married = 1; Married or living with a partner = 2

 Children under 18 years residing at home

None = 1; 1 Child = 2; 2 Children = 3; 3 Children = 4; 4 Children = 5; 5 Children = 6; 6 Children = 7; 7 Children = 8; Exceeding 7 Children = 9

 Experience in the construction industry

1–5 years = 1; 6–10 yrs. = 2; 11–15 yrs. = 3; 16–20 yrs. = 4; Exc. 20 yrs. = 5

 Employment position

Salaried employee = 1; Associate = 2; Director or Partner = 3

2. Job Autonomy and Control (JAC) (Scale score range: 3–12)

 JAC1. You have the freedom to decide what you do on your job? [C18a]

Strongly disagree = 1; Somewhat disagree = 2; Somewhat agree = 3; Strongly agree = 4

 JAC2. It is your own responsibility to decide how your job gets done? [C18c]

 JAC3. You have a lot to say about what happens on your job? [C18d]

3. Job pressure (JP) (Scale score range: 3–15)

In the last 3 months, how often did (were):

 JP1. You feel overwhelmed by how much you had to do at work? [C19a]

Never = 1; Rarely = 2; Sometimes = 3; Often = 4; Very often = 5

 JP2.You have to work on too many tasks at the same time? [C19b]

 JP3. The demands of your work exceed the time you have to do the work? [C19c]

4. Work contact (WC) (Scale score range: 3–15)

In the past 3 months:

 WC1. How often were you called about work matters outside of normal office hours? [C20a]

Never = 1; Rarely = 2; Sometimes = 3; Often = 4; Very often = 5

 WC2. How often did you receive job-related emails or text messages out of normal office hours? [C20b]

 WC3. How often did you contact people about work matters outside of normal office hours? [C20c]

5. Work-family conflict (WFC) (Scale score range: 4–20)

In the past 3 months:

 WFC1. How often did you not have sufficient time for important people in your life because of your job? [C21a]

Never = 1; Rarely = 2; Sometimes = 3; Often = 4; Very often = 5

 WFC2. How often did you not have sufficient energy to do things with important people in your life because of your job? [C21b]

 WFC3. How often did your work keep you from doing as good a job at home as you could? [C21c]

 WFC4. How often did your job keep you from concentrating on important things in your family or personal life? [C21d]

6. Psychological distress (PD) (Scale score range: 7–35)

In the past month, how often did you (feel):

 PD1. Anxious or tense? [B3a]

None of the time = 1; A little of the time = 2; Some of the time = 3; Most of the time = 4; All of the time = 5

 PD2. Nervous? [B3b]

 PD3. Worry a lot about things? [B4a]

 PD4. Have you had trouble keeping your mind on what you were doing? [B4b]

 PD5. Feel restless or fidgety? [B4c]

 PD6. Sad or depressed? [B5a]

 PD7. Hopeless? [B5c]

7. Sleep problems (SP) (Scale score range: 3–15)

In the past month how often have you:

 SP1. Had trouble falling or staying asleep? [B6a]

None of the time = 1; A little of the time = 2; Some of the time = 3; Most of the time = 4; All of the time = 5

 SP2. Woke up before you wanted to? [B6b]

 SP3. Woke up feeling refreshed? (R) [B6c]

  1. Note: (R) indicates item was reverse coded. Question number references are given in parentheses