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Table 1 Independent variables descriptive statistics

From: An exploratory analysis of the interactions between social norms and the built environment on cycling for recreation and transport

Independent Variable

Mean (SD)

Perceived Neighbourhood Cycling Infrastructurea

3.20 (0.73)

Perceived Maintenance of Neighbourhood Cycling Infrastructurea

3.08 (0.73)

Perceived Neighbourhood Pleasantness and Aesthetica

2.80 (0.67)

Perceived Cycling Network and connectivitya

2.91 (0.56)

Perceived Workplace Built Environmenta

3.33 (0.47)

Home Suburb Walk Scoreb

74.96 (13.90)

Work Suburb Walk Scoreb

87.97 (8.30)

Descriptive Normc

3.65 (0.79)

Group Normd

8.12 (1.19)

  1. aComposite score of items measured on a 4-point Likert scale. Higher score indicates more positive perceptions
  2. bA composite ranking from 0 to 100 based on neighbourhood’s land-use mix, residential density and street connectivity. Higher score indicates more walkable neighbourhood
  3. cComposite score of items measured in 5-point Likert scale. Higher score indicates more positive norms
  4. dAddition of two composite scores of items measured on 5-point Likert scale. Higher score indicates more positive norms