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Table 1 Characteristics of the included studies

From: Integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy for lifestyle mediators of overweight and obesity in community-dwelling adults: a systematic review and meta-analyses




Number of participants, n (% male)

Mean age at baseline (SD)



Outcome measures

Bennett et al., 2007 [38]


Physically underactive cancer survivors

56 (10%)

57.8 ± 9.9

Advice to maintain regular physical activity

4 × 20 min telephone calls

Physical Activity: CHAMPS Physical Activity Questionnaire

Conn et al., 2003 [39]



190 (0%)

75.0 ± 6.7

Standard care emphasizing benefits of exercise.

1 group session plus 2 1:1 sessionsa

Physical Activity: Baecke Physical Activity Scale

Greaves et al., 2008 [40]


Community-dwelling adults

141 (42%)

51.9 (NS)

Standardised information pack promoting diet and physical activity.

11 × 30 min 1:1 sessions

Anthropometric: Measured waist circumference

Physical Activity: Modifiable Activity Questionnaire

Groeneveld et al., 2011 [41]


Male construction workers

816 (100%)

46.5 ± 9.0

Standard care, consisting of brief oral or written information from the occupational physician about their CVD risk

3 × 45 min 1:1 sessions plus 4 × 15 min telephone calls

Anthropometric: Measured body massPhysical Activity: Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

Janssen et al., 2014 [42]


Former cardiac rehabilitation patients

210 (80%)

57.7 ± 9.2

1-h individual interview with a health psychologist. No motivational interviewing techniques were used

7 × 2 h group sessions plus 1 × 1:1 sessiona

Anthropometric: Measured waist circumference

Physical Activity: Pedometers

Knittle et al., 2015 [43]


Patients with rheumatoid arthritis

78 (33%)

62.0 ± 11.7

A small group educational session around the importance of physical activity for people with rheumatoid arthritis

1 group sessiona plus 3 × 60 min 1:1 sessions and 3 × 20 min telephone calls

Physical Activity: Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

Lakerveld et al., 2013 [32]


People at risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes

22 (41%)

43.5 ± 5.3

Received brochures containing health guidelines regarding physical activity

6 × 30 min 1:1 plus 3 × 30 min telephone calls

Physical Activity: Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

Marques et al., 2017 [44]


Chronic fatigue

91 (4%)

48.1 ± 10.9

Routine consultations with assistant physician and received a flyer with information about general physical activity

2 × 1:1 sessions plus 2 x telephone callsa

Anthropometric: Measured waist circumference

Physical Activity: Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

Martens et al., 2012 [45]


College students

70 (18%)

19.6 ± 2.3

Participants received informational packets about exercise

1 × 30 min 1:1 session:

Physical Activity: 7-day recall self-reported physical activity

Murphy et al., 2013 [46]


Patients with cardiovascular disease

275 (86%)

59.0 ± 9.1

Usual medical care

8 × 90 min 1:1 sessions

Physical Activity: 8-item Active Australia Survey

  1. CHAMPS Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors, NS Not stated, UK United Kingdom, USA United States of America
  2. aIntervention duration not stated