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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of parental information for the period 2004–2012

From: The influence of education on the access to childhood immunization: the case of Spain

Personal characteristics

Mean (SD)

Health status

Mean (SD)

Father’s age

45.038 (9.05)

Parental consumption of medicines

0.412 (0.84)

Mother’s age

43.070 (8.79)

Father’s co-morbidity episodes

2.843 (2.05)

Parents are separated or divorced

0.046 (0.21)

Mother’s co-morbidity episodes

3.661 (2.40)

Father deceased

0.012 (0.11)

Father’s Charlson index

0.202 (0.60)

Mother deceased

0.004 (0.06)

Mother’s Charlson index

0.160 (0.50)

Father’s schooling years

9.819 (4.03)

Father’s mental problems

0.057 (0.23)

Mother’s schooling years

9.988 (4.14)

Mother’s mental problems

0.135 (0.34)

Maternal employment

0.669 (0.47)


Health-care use

Mean (SD)

Lifestyle behaviour

Mean (SD)

Father’s visits to GP

8.188 (8.38)


Mother’s visits to GP

10.261 (9.19)

Father’s average BMI

27.693 (4.25)

Father’s hospitalization days

0.500 (2.24)

Mother’s average BMI

26.253 (5.37)

Mother’s hospitalization days

0.318 (1.50)

Father smoker

0.275 (0.45)

Father’s urgent visits

0.670 (0.98)

Mother smoker

0.236 (0.42)

Mother’s urgent visits

0.667 (0.98)

Father’s alcoholism

0.027 (0.16)

Father’s visits to specialist

3.235 (4.42)

Mother’s alcoholism

0.004 (0.06)

Mother’s visits to specialist

3.486 (4.92)

  1. Average values and standard deviations in brackets are reported. Descriptive statistics are reported for the whole considered period. Time distances (in minutes) were computed accounting for parents’ residence and GP or hospital location by means of geocode and traveltime commands in Stata
  2. Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics for children’s parents in terms of the personal characteristics, health status, health-care use, and lifestyle behaviour