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Table 1 Techniques to work behavioral determinants

From: A randomised controlled trial of a program based on the theory of planned behavior to promote fruit and vegetable intake among schoolchildren: PROFRUVE study protocol

Determinants of TPB

Behavior change technique

Example of how it is applied in the program


Provide information on the behavior-health relationship

More FV ...


“Because they are healthy”

They contribute ...

“Fiber helps your gut work!”

Work on positive / negative consequences of behavior (action / inaction)

The consequences of behavior are worked on according to the health benefits of various components of VF

“To Do or Not To Do”

Provide information about the relationship between pleasure and behavior

More information given about we eat what we like

More FV ...


“The ones you like!”

Work the ability to get pleasure through eating FV

The capacity of discriminating sensorial analysis is worked on, encouraging exploration

“Explore with your senses”

“Enjoy the ones you like!”

Subjective norms

Provide information about others behavior

Record the consumption of FV of all classmates on a sheet that all can see (“Fruitmeter”)

Perceived behavioral control

Work on instructions to increase autonomy or ability

Instructions are provided to make it easy reaching goals such as 5 a day:

“If you eat fruit for breakfast... you’re already in way 1 out of 3!”

“Food and dinners are times ... with vegetables on your plates!”

Work on situations that promote autonomy

Situations related to autonomy that promote the consumption of FV are practiced: participating in processes involved in producing, selling and preparing FV, e.g. cultivating, choosing and buying, cooking).

“Get to know the orchard”

“Participate! Choose and buy”

“Have fun cooking”