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Table 1 Script of the semi-structured interview

From: Discourses on the postcoital pill in young women

1. - Practice of sexual relations and use of contraception.

 • With whom do you talk about sexuality?

 • What is the meaning of sexual relations to you?

 • How you have been educated?

 • Have you had sex with penetration?

 • What do you think about contraceptives, and what is your personal experience with contraceptives?

2. - Pregnancy and abortion.

 • Opinion about when and under what circumstances you should be a mother.

 • Opinion on abortion and personal experience with abortion.

3. - Emergency contraception.

 • What do you know about the morning after pill?

 • Information about your own experience and your environment.

 • Opinion on and experience with the dispensation of EC.

 • Exploration of false beliefs.