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Fig. 5 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 5

From: Long-term follow-up on biological risk factors, adiposity, and cardiorespiratory fitness development in a physical education intervention: a natural experiment (CHAMPS-study DK)

Fig. 5

Long-term difference in risk factors between intervention/control, stratified at the median of baseline values. Estimates are standardized mean differences (in z-scores), at follow-up, using control schools as the reference, with 95% CI. Differences are for groups stratified by the respective outcome at baseline (above or below the intervention/control-specific median value). Negative values are in favour of intervention except for cardiorespiratory fitness where a positive value favours intervention. The number of observations differs across outcomes due to missing data at baseline. ICC = intra-class correlation coefficient, BP = blood pressure; TC = total cholesterol, HDL-c = high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol

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