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Table 5 Sample intervention messages

From: Development of an intervention delivered by mobile phone aimed at decreasing unintended pregnancy among young people in three lower middle income countries




Specialists have tested hormonal contraceptives many times and found them to be safe.

Some people think that hormonal methods are less healthy than non-hormonal methods. Hormonal methods are safe.

Some people think that hormonal methods are less healthy than non-hormonal methods. Hormonal methods are safe under medical supervision.

The most effective methods are: pills, IUD, implant and injection. These methods are over 99% effective if used correctly.

The most effective methods are: pills, t-copper (intrauterine dispositive), implant, injection & patch. If used correctly, less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant in a year if they use one of these .

The most effective and available methods in Palestine are: pills, IUD, implant, injection, patch. These methods are 99% effective if used correctly.

Some woman may not have a period when on the injection. Some people say that they like not having periods because they can be painful and inconvenient.

Bleeding may change or even stop with the injection. Some people like not having a period.

The bleeding cycle may change or even stop with the injection. Some people like not having a period.

Making decision about contraception with a partner makes it more likely that you will avoid an unintended pregnancy.

Making decision about contraception with a partner makes it more likely that you will avoid an unintended pregnancy.

Making a decision about family planning with your husband helps you avoid an unintended pregnancy.

Providers see young people with different kinds of lifestyles choose contraception.

Providers see young people, married and not-married, all day and help them choose contraception. They want to help rather than judge.

Providers help people of different lifestyles regarding family planning.

Some young people worry that providers will judge them. Remember, it’s about your health and you can choose what is right for you.

Some young people worry about being judged by other people too. Your health is what’s important. It’s your body and your right .

Remember it’s about your health and you have the right to choose what is right for you regardless of how others think and feel.

Think about your situation and what is right for you. If you decide to use contraception without your partner knowing, the IUD and implant are easy to hide.

If you are worried, there are methods that you can use without others knowing.

If your husband disapproves, talk to him about why you believe that it’s a good decision for you. The IUD and implant are easy to keep private.