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Table 4 Partial matrix of change objectives

From: Development of an intervention delivered by mobile phone aimed at decreasing unintended pregnancy among young people in three lower middle income countries



Performance objectives





Personal agency

Young people will…

Behavioural outcome 1: Use effective contraception

po1.1 Choose a method

k1.1.1 Name the effective methods

k1.1.2 Describe how the effective methods work

k1.1.3 List the risks & benefits of the range of effective methods

a1.1.1 Express positive attitudes towards the effective methods

a1.1.2 Recognise that hormonal methods are not less healthy than non-hormonal methods

a1.1.3 Differentiate between real potential side-effects and misconceptions

a1.1.4 Recognise that an experience of side-effects in one method may not occur in another method

i1.1.1 Assess options

i1.1.2 Express intention to choose effective contraception

pa1.1.0 Express personal agency in choosing an effective method despite fears of being judged by society (married or not married)