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Table 1 Neighborhood Norms and Social Support Original Items Examined in the Exploratory Factor Analysis

From: Examining neighborhood and interpersonal norms and social support on fruit and vegetable intake in low-income communities

 1. How important is it to your neighbors to buy more fruits and vegetables?a

 2. How important is it to your neighbors to eat more fruits and vegetables?a

 3. How much do your neighbors approve of buying fresh fruits and vegetables?b

 4. The high cost of fruits and vegetables keep your neighbors from buying them as much as they’d like to.c

 5. People in your neighborhood eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.c

 6. Do you think that you eat more fruits and vegetables, about the same amount of fruits and vegetables, or fewer fruits and vegetables than your neighbors?d

 7. During the past 3 months, how often did your neighbors encourage you to buy fruits and vegetables?e

 8. During the past 3 months, how often did your neighbors encourage you to eat fruits and vegetables?e

 9. During the past 3 months, how often did your neighbors encourage you to serve your family more fruits and vegetables?e

  1. All scales used a Likert type response option ranging from 1 to 5
  2. aInjunctive Norms: Response options ranged from “Not at All Important,” to “Extremely Important”
  3. bInjunctive Norm - Response options ranged from “Disapprove a Lot” to “Approve a Lot”
  4. cDescriptive Norms: Response options ranged from “Disagree a Lot” to “Agree a Lot”
  5. dDescriptive Norm: Response options were “Fewer,” “About the Same,” or “More”
  6. eSocial Support: Response options ranged from “Never” to “Very Often”