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Table 3 Exclusion criteria: presence of specific cardiovascular conditions and non-specific exclusion criteria

From: A randomized controlled trial to evaluate utilization of physical activity recommendations among patients of cardiovascular healthcare centres in Eastern Slovakia: study design and rationale of the AWATAR study

List A

Presence of specific cardiovascular conditions


uncontrollable hypertension


decompensated heart failure


severe and symptomatic aortic stenosis


uncontrolled arrhythmia


severe pulmonary hypertension


acute coronary syndromes


acute myocarditis, endocarditis, or pericarditis


aortic dissection


Marfan syndrome

List B

Presence of non-CVD specific exclusion criteria


malignancy (active cancer) or life-threatening disease


bed-bound patient status


participation or plan to participate in other study during trial execution


plan to move during the trial execution