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Table 2 Observer rating reliability test [30]

From: Why are some groups physically active and others not? A contrast group analysis in leisure settings

Sample N

N = 162

Images n excluded

n = 5 (bad quality)

Sample n used for rating

n = 157

Mean (M) age in years

M = 30.38 years

Mean BMI

M = 22.73 kg/m2

Total ratings by all observers:

471 total ratings

Rating results:

 Age category correct (in percent)


 Age category errors (n total)

n = 16

 Age category error rate (in percent)


 Average deviation from correct age (in years)

2.83 years

 Body shape category correct (in percent)


 Body shape category errors (n total)

n = 13

 Body shape category error rate (in percent)


 Average deviation from correct BMI (in kg/m2)

1.38 kg/m2