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Table 5 Number, proportion, and mean values for traditional cardiovascular disease risk factorsa of individuals misclassified as false-negative (cases of missed subclinical atherosclerosis)

From: Subclinical atherosclerosis, cardiovascular health, and disease risk: is there a case for the Cardiovascular Health Index in the primary prevention population?

Framingham Risk Score

Missed Subclinical Atherosclerosis

(Low Risk FRS)b

Risk Factor Profile of Missed Individuals

with Subclinical Atherosclerosis

n: 1,600,000



n: 1,600,000

SBP: 137.4 mmHg (130.9–143.9)

DBP: 69.8 mmHg (66.7–72.9)

Total cholesterol: 203.8 mg/dL (195.8–211.9) [5.27 mmol/L (5.06–5.48)]

Fasting glucose: 105.6 mg/dL (94.5–116.8) [5.9 mmol/L (5.3–6.5)]

BMI: 28.6 kg/m2 (27.1–30.1)

Metabolic Syndrome

Missed Subclinical Atherosclerosis

(No MetS)c

Risk Factor Profile of Missed Individuals

with Subclinical Atherosclerosis

n: 1,900,000



n: 1,900,000

SBP: 139.7 mmHg (134.4–144.9)

DBP: 71.7 mmHg (69.6–73.8)

Total cholesterol: 212.8 mg/dL (204.9–220.6) [5.51 mmol/L (5.31–5.71)]

Fasting glucose: 93.8 mg/dL (90.8–96.8) [5.2 mmol/L (5.0–5.4)]

BMI: 27.7 kg/m2 (26.6–28.7)

Cardiovascular Health Index

Missed Subclinical Atherosclerosis

(Optimum CVHI)d

Risk Factor Profile of Missed Individuals

with Subclinical Atherosclerosis

n: 110,000



n: 110,000

SBP: 120.9 mmHg (101.8–140.1)

DBP: 68.5 mmHg (69.9–71.7)

Total cholesterol: 175.5 mg/dL (158.1–195.1) [4.54 mmol/L (4.09–5.03)]

Fasting glucose: 99.8 mg/dL (93.8–105.8) [5.5 mmol/L (5.2–5.9)]

BMI: 28.6 kg/m2 (21.3–23.5)

  1. aNumber and proportion estimates of the eligible population after applying sampling weights to the study sample (% (95% CI)); SI units shown in square brackets
  2. bClassified as “low risk” by the Framingham Risk Score (< 10% 10-year risk) but with subclinical atherosclerosis present
  3. cClassified as not having the metabolic syndrome (< 3 risk factors) but with subclinical atherosclerosis present
  4. dClassified as having “optimum” health by the Cardiovascular Health Index (CVHI; 10–14 total points) but with subclinical atherosclerosis present