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Table 5 Regression analyses of network characteristics and health discussions, the Mediators of Atherosclerosis in South Asians Living in America (MASALA) social networks study, 2014-2017

From: Personal social networks and organizational affiliation of South Asians in the United States

Proportion of Network that Ego Discusses Health With

Network characteristic


95% CI

Network Density


0.21, 0.37 ***

Closeness to alters


0.13, 21 ***

Proportion Kin


0.22, 38 ***

Prop South Asian


0.04, 23 **

Prop Female


-0.16, 0.03

Prop living in same house


0.13, 0.32 ***

Volume of contact with alters (contact-days/year)


<-0.01, <.01

Number of organizational affiliations


<-0.01, 01

  1. Note: Each network variable regressed separately on outcome and adjusted for age, sex, education, and network size. All analyses included n=700, except for network density which was n=684 because of missing data.
  2. * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001