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Table 2 Sexual practices and history of sexually transmitted infections

From: Socio-demographic and sexual practices associated with HIV infection in Kenyan injection and non-injection drug users






HIV[−], n = 135

HIV[+], n = 55

HIV[−], n = 48

HIV[+], n = 17

HIV[−], n = 39

HIV[+], n = 157

Sexual orientation


1 (0.7)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

2 (5.1)

13 (8.3)



134 (99.3)

55 (100.0)

47 (97.9)

17 (100.0)

35 (89.7)

131 (83.4)


0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

1 (2.1)

0 (0.0)

2 (5.1)

13 (8.3)

Age of sex debut < 15 years

36 (26.7)

10 (18.2)

13 (27.1)

5 (29.4)

8 (20.5)

76 (48.4)

< 0.0001

No. of sexual partners


25 (18.5)

21 (38.2)

10 (20.8)

4 (23.5)

3 (7.7)

5 (3.2)

< 0.0001


85 (63.0)

27 (49.1)

28 (58.3)

9 (52.9)

17 (43.6)

49 (31.2)

  > 1

25 (18.5

7 (12.7)

10 (20.8)

4 (23.5)

19 (48.7)

103 (65.6)

Unprotected sex

14 (10.4)

7 (12.7)

14 (29.2)

5 (29.4)

7 (17.9)

49 (31.2)

< 0.0001

Sex for police protection

0 (0.0)

1 (1.8)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

1 (2.6)

34 (21.7)


Sex for drugs

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

1 (5.9)

7 (17.9)

39 (24.8)


History of STI

52 (38.5)

31 (56.4)

26 (54.2)

8 (47.1)

9 (23.1)

102 (65.0)

< 0.0001

  1. Data are presented as number and proportions (%) of subjects. Statistical analyses were conducted using the Pearson’s chi-square. Non-DU, non-drug users. Non-IDU non-injection drug users. IDU injection drug users, STI sexually transmitted infection. Values in bold indicate significant P-values