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Table 1 The table presents all the variables used in the study for both quantitative and qualitative data

From: HIV/AIDS workplace policy addressing epidemic drivers through workplace programs

Dependant: HIV and AIDS Policy

1. Policy: Availability: Quantitative: Yes/ No and Qualitatively: Reason for having /not having policy

 A) Involvement in information for 1. Employees 2. Management; 1. Quantitatively: Yes/No

  2. Extent of involvement on scale: I. Not at all, II. Limited, III. Wide, IV. Moderate, V. Do not know.

 B) 1. Dissemination of Policy: Quantitative Yes/No; 2. Extent of dissemination; I. Non II. Limited with no forums, III. Wide- with forum

2. Policy content objective addressing I. Gender integration, II. Needs of people living with HIV, III. HIV and AIDS in the workplace.

Quantitative -Yes/No; Extent of addressing: I. All addressed II. Most are addressed, III. Not addressed at all, IV. No response

V. Do not know extent

Independent: Workplace Programs

3. Leadership: support for policy; Quantitative Yes/No. I. Top Management, II. Lower management, III. Union leaders.

 A. Rating of effectiveness at implementation by I. Management, II.HIV and AIDS committees. Quantitative Yes /No

Qualitative explanation on experience on leadership.

4. Stake holder Involvement. Quantitative Yes/No: Qualitative: explanation on experience with stake holders.

5. HIV/AIDS workplace programs Availability: Quantitatively Yes/No

 B) Employee involvement/participation in programs: Quantitatively Yes/No

I. Males, II. Females, III. Managers, IV. Union leaders, V. People living with HIV. Qualitatively explanation.

 A) Elements of programs provided: Quantitative: Yes/No:

1. Awareness on HIV, 2. Voluntary Counselling service Testing, 3. Antiretroviral treatment (ART), 4. Provision of condoms Male

5. Female condoms 6. Prevention of mother to Child transmission.

 B) How the workplace provides this service 1) On site, 2.Governement clinic 3. Sub contracted external provide, other.

 C) Key epidemic drivers addressed by HIV Program: I) Quantitative Yes/No. II. Extent to which programs address;

I. Stigma and discrimination on HIV, II. Medical Male Circumcision and HIV, III. Condom Use and HIV IV. Sex workers and HIV

V. Alcohol abuse and HIV, VI. Gender based violence and HIV, VII. Males having sex with Males and HIV.

Qualitative explanation on extent to which selected epidemic drivers are addressed.

6. Resource: Human, Financial, Equipment, supplies and Information; Scaled sufficiency I. Completely sufficient II. Insufficient, III. Mostly sufficient, IV. Somewhat Sufficient.

7. Monitoring & Evaluation Processes: Quantitative Yes/No I. Internal, II. External monitoring 2.Qualitative explanation on Indicators and monitoring systems.