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Table 6 Interview Objectives and Sample Questions

From: A multi-stakeholder evaluation of the Baltimore City virtual supermarket program

Evaluation Objective

Objective Description

Interview indicators

 1. To assess perceptions on barriers for customer participation

What obstacles to customers encounter in finding ordering sites and what are ways the VSP has worked toward promoting the reach of the program

1.2 Were there any barriers for customers getting to a participating site (community partner)?

1.3: Was there ever a sense of push/pull when it came to increasing participants for the program versus serving the communities that had the highest need (BCHD staff)?

In your opinion, what parts of the campaign made the most impact with the participants (marketing staff)?

 2. To assess stakeholder perceptions about the logistics of grocery orders and placed

To assess the barriers to placing orders and picking up food at various sites and to understand how the VSP has worked towards eliminating these barriers

2.1 What were your thoughts about using a computer to order your groceries (customer)?

2.2 Tell me more about how you paid for your groceries (customer)?

2.3 Was it difficult to accept EBT benefits (BCHD staff)?

Did you consider accepting WIC? If so, what were the barriers to accepting WIC (grocer)?

 3. To understand key leadership strategies in maintaining the program

To understand what is needed from a leadership and organization standpoint to continue to maintain the program and to start similar programs.

3.1 What improvements could the Health Department do to make this program run more successfully (grocer)?

3.2 How did the health department get buy in from various stakeholders and community when establishing the program (BCHD staff)?

 4. To understand how to make the program more sustainable

To get a better understanding at financial and policy barriers that need to be addressed to increase the sustainability of the program

4.1 What do you think needs to be done to make the program more financially stable in the future (BCHD staff)?

4.2 What would you do to help this program continue and be even more successful in the years to come (community partner)?

 5. Objective: To understand the impact of the program.

To understand how VSP altered food buying and a sense of community (customers) and also how the program has impacted the community (stakeholders)

5.1 Did you find yourself buying more fruits and vegetables through the virtual supermarket (customer)?

5.2 What do you think this program did for your community?

5.3 Did it build any new skills for your community members (community partners)?

5.4 What are your thoughts on how this program has benefitted participants (BCHD staff)?

5.5 What do you view as the program’s greatest successes (BCHD staff)?