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Table 2 Comparison of MNCH costing tools

From: Lives Saved Tool (LiST) costing: a module to examine costs and prioritize interventions


LiST Costing

OneHealth Tool

Equist (Equitable Strategies to Save Lives)

Main use

Resource allocation decisions for MNCH program

Broad health sector planning; cost and impact analysis for health plans and budgets.

Decision making to reduce mother and child health inequities

Costing methodology

Ingredients-based for interventions

Ingredients or activity based for interventions, program, and health systems costs

Incremental costing based on Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks methods

Disease scope

Maternal, neonatal, and child health

Sector-wide: RMNCH, HIV, malaria TB, NCDs, user-options to add other areas

Maternal, neonatal, and child health

User inputs

User must enter coverage targets, either numeric or percentage estimates for program costs; has the option to edit most other entries including treatment inputs and wage information

User must enter coverage targets, program costs, and health system specifications; treatment inputs editable as needed

User designs strategies for reducing inequities in order to view health outcomes and associated costs. Equist calculates coverages based on strategies.


Free access; open download

Free access; open download

Open access with registration


National, local and international planners, researchers, MOH, MNCH programs

Policy and planning departments; program managers

Programmers and planners

Time for implementation

1–4 weeks, depending on level of customization

3–6 months

Varies by country


Spectrum software in Windows

Spectrum software in Windows; data can be copied from other software e.g., Excel.

Web based platform