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Table 6 Multinomial logistic regression predicting body fat categories

From: Physical fitness and anthropometric characteristics among adolescents living in urban or rural areas of Kosovo


Unadjusted model

Adjusted model

High body fat

High body fat

High body hat

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

RR (95% CI)

Gender a


1.180 (0.677–2.058)

0.040 (0.009–0.176)***

0.197 (0.051–0.558)***

Area of livingb

 Rural area

1.243 (0.708–2.180)

0.599 (0.229–1.569)

0.898 (0.637–1.065)

Grip strength (kg)

1.046 (1.011–1.082)*

1.212 (1.126–1.303)***

1.031 (1.019–1.041)***

Standing long jump (cm)

0.969 (0.958–0.980)***

0.940 (0.914–0.966)***

0.989 (0.984–0.994)***

CMJ (cm)

0.879 (0.838–0.921)***

0.866 (0.781–0.960)**

0.974 (0.955–0.993)**

20 m sprint (s)

4.152 (2.146–8.035)***

0.572 (0.090–3.612)

0.887 (0.368–1.140)

MSFT (m)

0.997 (0.996–0.998)***

0.996 (0.994–0.998)***

0.999 (0.999–1.000)***

Sit and reach (cm)

1.020 (0.981–1.061)

1.034 (0.980–1.092)

1.006 (0.997–1.014)

  1. Normal body fat (boys <25%, girls <30%) was chosen as reference group for the outcome. a Reference category is “male”; b Reference category is “urban area”. In the unadjusted model each variable was tested independently as a predictor of body fat. In the adjusted model, all the variables were tested in the same model, controlling the effect of each other. In addition, school was included as random factor in order to control for potential cluster effects. RR was estimated from OR using the conversion formula from Zhang and Yu [48]. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.001, *** p < 0.001
  2. Abbreviations: OR odds ratio, RR relative risk, CI confidence interval, CMJ counter movement jump, MSFT multistage fitness test