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Table 4 Categories for coding open-ended responses about healthier sides and beverages with children’s restaurant meals

From: Child and parent perspectives on healthier side dishes and beverages in restaurant kids’ meals: results from a national survey in the United States


Sample responses

For children who would be happy about the F/V alternative:

 1. Liking/taste. Included the following:

  I like the taste of fruits and vegetables


  I like the taste of fruits

“I love fruit! More than French fries”

  I like the taste of vegetables

“I like a lot of vegetables”

  I don’t like/don’t prefer French fries

“do not like fries”

 2. Health: Fruits and vegetables are healthy


 3. Choice: I want choices/variety

“I would get to try something new”

 4. Treat: Fruits and vegetables are a treat

“I like fruit and I can eat French fries at other times”

 5. Habit: Child typically eats fruits/vegetables

“because i eat them all the time and like them”

 6. Other

“because i don’t really care what side i get”

 7. Don’t know


For children who would be unhappy about the F/V alternative:

 1. Liking/taste. Included the following:

  I like French fries

“fries taste better”

  I don’t like/don’t prefer fruit

“i don’t like fruit and fruit juice and i only like a few veggies”

  I don’t like/don’t prefer vegetables

“I don’t like vegetables”


“I only like some common fruits and only carrots for vegetables.”

 2. Choice: I want to have choices

“I would like to have all of them.”

 3. Treat: French fries are a treat

“I love French fries and I don’t get to eat them at home, so I would be upset.”

 4. Habit: French fries are what I’m used to

“because when i go out to eat i like to get fries!”

 5. Other

“i wouldn’t care”

 6. Don’t know

“I want my fries”

For children who would be happy about the beverage alternative:

 1. Liking/taste. Included the following:

  I like milk

“i love milk”

  I like flavored milk

“i like chocolate milk”

  I like water

“I like to drink water”

  I like flavored water

“I like flavored water”

  I do not like/prefer soda or pop

“because i don’t like soda”


“I would rather have juice”

 2. Choice: I want to try something different

“try something new”

 3. Habit: Child does not drink soda/soda not allowed

“I grew up not drinking soda.”

 4. Other

“it is okay to have only water”

 5. Don’t know


For children who would be unhappy about the beverage alternative:

 1. Liking/taste. Included the following:

  I like soda

“Soda is my favorite”

  I do not like milk

“I hate milk.”

  I do not like water

“i do not like milk or water” (also coded as “I do not like milk”)

  I do not like flavored water

“... flavored water makes me feel sick”


“I like to drink sweet tea with my food.”

 2. Treat: Soda is a treat

“mom doesn’t buy coke at home so I like to get it when we go out.”

 3. Habit: child typically drinks soda

“i always get soda at a restaurant”

 4. Other

“I rather eat at home if I have to eat veggies and drink milk”

 5. Don’t know

“because I want soda”