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Table 1 Overview of the content of the questionnaires employed in the study

From: Design and methods for a cluster-controlled trial conducted at sixty-eight daycare facilities evaluating the impact of “JolinchenKids – Fit and Healthy in Daycare”, a program for health promotion in 3- to 6-year-old children

Assessment method

Measure of interest




Characteristics of parents

Socio-demographic characteristics

Age, education, employment, net household income, migration background

KiGGS [34]a


Height, weight, self-rated health status

SF-12, only one item [35]


Current smoking, intention to quit

HAPA, intention [36]


PA and sports activities during past three months, intention to engage in PA

DEGS [37]b, HAPA, intention [36]


Intention to consume fruits and vegetables

HAPA, intention [36]

Family climate

Health behaviors performed and health information available in the family context

FHC-scale [38]

Characteristics of children

Socio-demographic characteristics

Age, sex



Height, weight, days of sickness, parent-rated health status, physician-diagnosed chronic conditions, doctor’s visits

SF-12 [35], KiGGS [34]a


Consumption of un-sweetened beverages, fruits and vegetables, milk products, snacks, number of meals per day

Self-developed quantitative FFQ


Hours per week of moderate to intense PA and sports club membership


Media consumption

Time spent watching TV, video, DVD or using the computer, tablet, smartphone or game console


Mental well-being

Health-related quality of life, psychological attributes

Kiddy-KINDLR [40], SDQ [41]


Characteristics of DF staff

Socio-demographic characteristics

Age, sex, employment, migration background

DEGS [37]b


Work activity, sports activity, leisure-time activity; intention to engage in PA

Baecke questionnaire [42], HAPA, intention [36]


Consumption of un-sweetened beverages, fruits and vegetables, milk products, snacks, number of meals per day; intention to consume fruits and vegetables

Self-developed quantitative FFQ, HAPA, intention [36]


Current smoking, intention to quit

HAPA, intention [36]


Self-rated health status, health-related quality of life, use of healthcare services, preventive health check-up program, preventive services (past 12 months)

SF-12 [35], DEGS [37]b


General self-efficacy

GSE [43]

Mental well-being


PSS4 [44]

Health literacy

Knowledge, motivation and competences to access, understand, appraise, and apply health information

HLS-EU-Q47 [45]

  1. Abbreviations: DEGS German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults, FFQ Food Frequency Questionnaire, FHC Family Health Climate, GSE General Self-Efficacy, HAPA Health Action Process Approach, HLS-EU European Health Literacy, KiGGS German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents, IDEFICS Identification and Prevention of Dietary and Lifestyle induced Health Effects in Children and Infants, KINDL R revised questionnaire to assess Health-Related Quality of Life in children and adolescents, PA Physical activity, PSS4 Perceived Stress Scale, SF-12 Short Form-12, SDQ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
  2. aItems regarding socio-demographic characteristics of parents will be taken from the parental questionnaire for 3–6 year-olds from the KiGGS
  3. bItems regarding parental PA and DF staff’s health and socio-demographic characteristics will be taken from the health questionnaire for 18–64 year-olds of the DEGS
  4. cItems regarding children’s PA and media consumption will be taken from the parental questionnaire of the IDEFICS study