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Table 2 Physical activity measurement compliance

From: Are children participating in a quasi-experimental education outside the classroom intervention more physically active?


EOtC, n (%)

Control, n (%)


346 (100.0)

317 (100.0)

Valid PA measurements

201 (58.1)

160 (50.5)

Invalid PA measurements

145 (41.9)

157 (49.5)

 Accelerometer not returned

12 (3.5)

14 (4.4)

 Technical error

10 (2.9)

2 (0.6)

 Deliberately removed

18 (5.2)

24 (7.6)

 Fallen off

28 (8.1)

25 (7.9)

 Unknown if deliberately removed or fallen off

77 (22.3)

92 (29.0)

  1. Valid PA measurements required continuous accelerometer data for seven days with 24 h of wear time per day, starting at midnight on the end of the day the participant had the accelerometer attached. The reason for non-compliance was considered due to a “technical error” if a data file was shorter than the required inclusion period and the accelerometer was still worn at the last time stamp included in a data file. The category “deliberately removed” included reasons such as experiencing a rash at the attachment site and removal of accelerometer due to sports competition. The category “Fallen off” included failing adhesion between tape and skin and accelerometers getting knocked loose by mechanical interference from an external source.