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Table 3 List of identified stakeholders with their centrality and network measures (in-degree, out-degree, closeness and betweenness centrality)

From: Policy content and stakeholder network analysis for infant and young child feeding in Nepal


Technical support









NuTEC/CHD (0.4286)

UNICEF (0.2857)

NuTEC/CHD (0.5533)

NuTEC/CHD (0.0238)

NuTEC/CHD (0.4419)

NuTEC/CHD (0.5581)

NuTEC/CHD (0.6370)

NuTEC/CHD (0.0200)

DFTQC (0.1071)

USAID (0.2500)

UNICEF (0.3775)

UNICEF (0.0200)

DFTQC (0.1395)

UNICEF (0.3488)

UNICEF (0.1226)

UNICEF (0.0140)

New Era (0.1071)

WFP (0.1786)

World Bank (0.1469)

USAID (0.0192)

NPC (0.1395)

Prof. RKA (0.3256)

WFP (0.1133)

Prof. RKA (0.0140)

UNICEF (0.1071)

World Bank (0.1429)

WFP (0.1119)

DFID (0.0179)

HKI (0.1163)

Save the Children (0.1860)

Save the Children (0.0590)

WFP (0.0130)

HKI (0.0714)

Suaahara (0.1071)

USAID (0.0981)

WFP (0.0167)

NEPAS (0.1163)

WFP (0.1628)

Prof. RKA (0.0524)

Save the Children (0.0130)

NHEICC (0.0714)

DFID (0.1071)

Suaahara (0.0883)

Suaahara (0.0164)

NTAG (0.1163)

USAID (0.1628)

World Bank (0.0510)

DFTQC (0.0130)

Prof. RKA (0.0714)

WHO (0.1071)

WHO (0.0807)

World Bank (0.0161)

MoE (0.0930)

World Bank (0.1395)

DFTQC (0.0216)

World Bank (0.0120)

CG (0.0357)

Save the Children (0.0714)

Save the Children (0.0688)

HKI (0.0161)

MoFALD (0.0930)

Suaahara (0.1163)

Suaahara (0.0216)

Suaahara (0.0120)

CSANN (0.0357)

HKI (0.0357)

DFTQC (0.0245)

Save the Children (0.0159)

New Era (0.0930)

WHO (0.0930)

MI (0.0078)

USAID (0.0120)

DPHCM, IoM (0.0357)

ACF (0.0357)

New Era (0.0200)

WHO (0.0156)

Suaahara (0.0930)

Dr. KT (0.0930)

USAID (0.0069)

WHO (0.0120)

  1. Abbreviations: NuTEC/CHD Nutrition Technical Committee/Child Health Division, UNICEF United Nations Children Fund, Prof RKA Prof. Ramesh K Adhikari, WFP World Food Programme, DFTQC Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, USAID United States of America for International Development, WHO World Health Organization, Dr. KT Dr. Kalpana Tiwari, NPC National Planning Commission, MoE Ministry of Education, MoFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, HKI Helen Keller International, NEPAS Nepal Paediatrics Society, Prof. PSS Prof Prakash Sunder Shrestha, NHRC Nepal Health Research Council, NHEICC National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre, MI Micronutrient International, NTAG Nepal Technical Assistance Group, Prof. MDD Prof Madhu Dixit Devkota, Dr. AU Dr. Aruna Upreti, NHTC National Health Training Centre, ACF Action Against Hunger, FHD Family Health Division, NEBROF Nepal Breastfeeding Promotion Forum, MoWCSW Ministry of Women, Child and Social Welfare, NCASC National Centre for AIDS and STD Control, PMO Prime Minister Office, MoHP Ministry of Health and Population, PPICD Policy, Planning and International Cooperation Division, CG Chaudhary Group, MoUD Ministry of Urban Development, NNF Nepal Nutrition Forum, CSANN Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition in Nepal, DFAT Department of Foreign Aids and Trade, LMD Logistic Management Division, MoAD Ministry of Agricultural Development