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Table 5 Variable definitions/items in the questionnaire

From: Findings from a prospective cohort study evaluating the effects of International Health Advisors’ work on recently settled migrants’ health

Study variable

Questionnaire item

Unmet health care needs

Have you ever, during the last 3 months, regarded yourself in need of medical care, but not sought a doctor?

Yes, several times

Poor mental health

General Health Questionnaire, 12 items

3 points or more

Poor dental health

How would you rate your current dental health?

Quite poor/Very poor

Poor self-rated health

How would you rate your current general health condition?

Quite poor/Very poor

Long-term illness

Do you have any lingering illness, difficulties following an accident, disability or other frailty?


Low social participation

How often do you attend a meeting or another activity in any organization or group (for example sports organization, interest organization, mosque or church, women’s or men’s group)?

Quarterly/More seldom or never

Low social participation

Take a stand on the following statements: a) Most people would use you if they got the chance b) Most people essentially try to be fair c) You can trust most people and d) You cannot be careful enough when you deal with other people

Highest quartile of the distribution

Not received information on healthy diet/physical exercise/dental health

Have you received information on healthy diet/physical exercise/dental health?

Yes, a little/No


Swedish population register


Swedish population register

Low educational level

What education do you have?

7–9 years/1–6 years/None